Monday 23 June 2014

This week ...

Sound of the week: W
Blend of the week: ch - chocolate, chips, chin, chart ...

We have been enjoying doing lots of creative art during our minibeast unit. 

Tuesday 10 June 2014

We are enjoying our talking topic this week. 
We have brought a 'surprise' object to school. We are to give the class three clues and we have to guess what it is. 

It goes in the sky
It has a propeller
People can go in it
A helicopter! 

Tuesday 3 June 2014

On Tuesday Solway School had cross country. 

Yesterday we did cross country at the showgrounds. I was the third boy. Mum and dad cheered for me. I am in blue house.

Yesterday we did cross country. I went around the big oval. I went with the five year old girls. I ran fast. I was wearing a yellow top. My dad came to watch me. I liked cross country.